Implementation of renewable energy and eco-friendly alternatives is vital to our company. Green initiatives are the steps we take together to help protect our planet. These all make a difference regardless of scope or size. We want to help our residential and commercial clients take steps to reduce their carbon footprint and save money on overall energy costs.

Electric Car Charging

We are proud to have helped with the completion of the following Electric car charging station projects:



Energy-efficient lighting can be integrated into all aspects of your home or business. LED lights are designed for everything from street lamps and commercial refrigeration to cabinet lighting and recessed lighting in your home. LEDs can use up to 75% less energy and last over 20 times longer than other forms of lighting.


Energy Audits

Whether you are trying to calculate how much electricity your business or home is using/ or looking at some potential areas for cost savings. HighPoint can provide you with a plan that you can utilize to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing productivity.



Solar powering your home or building is more practical now than ever. A small investment today could save you a lot on your monthly energy bill. Solar panels allow you to store backup power that can be saved for emergencies. Schedule an appointment with one of our technicians to see if it is a good fit for your space.
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